If you have any special dietary requests please call your local Sobeys deli dept. to place your order. Unfortunately, we do not offer Kosher/Halal meals at this time.
Shortly after you place your order you’ll receive a confirmation email with an order number and the details of your order. If you don’t receive an email confirmation please contacts your local Sobeys deli dept. by phone.
When you place your order, you can select a pick-up time that suits you, with a minimum of 24 hours’ notice and you can place your order up to 4 weeks in advance.
If you want to make changes to your order please call the Sobeys store indicated in your confirmation email at least 24 hours before pick-up time. All refunds will be made to your credit card.
When you pick up your order, your trays will be refrigerated. A Sobeys team member will let you know all of the required serving/reheat instructions where applicable.
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